Angella J. Gavic
Vice President, Operations
Angie has been with Access Financial Services, Inc. since 1998. During her tenure, Angie’s roles and responsibilities have ranged from paraplanner to finance manager. As Vice President of Operations, her role and responsibilities include leadership, operations, finance and client service areas of the firm. Angie is truly passionate about maintaining high quality service standards for our clients. She also manages the firm’s administrative team.
Angie is a graduate of Mankato State University with a degree in Business Management. Her outside interests include family, her faith and sailing on Lake Superior. She loves spending time with her husband and their two children. To contact Angie, send an email to angie@accessafs.com or call her direct at 952-885-2736.
Focus areas:
- Client relationship management
- Financial Paraplanner Qualified Professional
- Management of the firm’s finances and records
- Business operations